This is a play report for my ongoing ttrpg I run during occasional
lunch breaks at work, all dependent on who is available for that day.
This occurs roughly once a week, but there are occasional longer breaks
when people are unavailable. I require a minimum of two players to run a
session. I am using Index Card RPG and various other resources to run
the sessions.
July 3rd & 10th Play Report
Each session, players present are given a sheet in the style of a Classifieds ad. This ad contains features five problems occurring in the aptly named Dungeon Town. Players are asked to select from these five options as the adventure for the session.
This session, the players chose two scenarios from the options:
Ghastly Slime
Local potion brewery, destroyed during the blaze, has produced a monstrous mass of tentacles and grime. Any assistance in slaying the slime will be rewarded.
Player characters present:
- Clara, Elf Mage
- Siel, Gnome Shadow
- Rupert, "Human" Bard
I prepared some introductory text to set the scene as the player's arrived at the slime as well as the general nature of the slime:
Setup: The collapsed potion shop has developed into a large, but immobile, slime. It has long tentacles and is growing larger, but the party will have a chance to determine how best to approach the creature.
Intro: “As you journey past the blackened homes and small shops, you arrive at the collapsed wreckage of the potion shop. The air is rank with the chemical stench of mystical reagents and miracle liquids that were never meant to mingle. A bitter tang with a dense, verdant odor you can’t quite place. A small bird glides slowly by, its flight interrupted as a tentacle lashes out like a frog’s tongue, ensnaring the bird and dragging back into the wreckage.”
I improvised some of the physical nature of the slime as the players proposed solutions to eliminating the slime. The slime's nature was based off an older idea of mine as slimes resulting from expired or poorly crafted alchemic potions. This gave the player's enough information to come up with creative angles for defeating the slime.
I also used the following resources as my core prep:
- Index Card RPG Master Edition ;
This is my core rulebook for these sessions. I am not using the actual
setup of "difficulty per location" that ICRPG uses, instead using the
more traditional "here is the number you need to beat". I also adjusted
the Effect dice so that D6 is "Bows & Tools" and D8 is "Weapons"
because I did not want to include guns. Otherwise, pretty much using the
system as is.
- Dungeons & Drawings ; This is my favorite monster manual. It has a set of generic stats to describe the creature, a paragraph of text on the creature, and a full page picture. It is not specific to any rpg system, but gives me enough tools to pull in a creature and run it if I understand the system itself pretty well.
- Monster Miens
; I wanted a reaction table like the Miens for Troika!!, but just some
general lists. This is sorted by creature type, which I thought would be
great for the quick reaction I want as a GM during the sessions. I may
need to replace this in the future if it begins to feel too repetitive,
but for now it works.
Session Summary
Clara decided the group should go help the potion shop since it was partially her fault for the shops collapse. This occurred during a previous session run by another GM in which the players were forced to respond to a city-wide fire.
Upon arriving at the slime, I read the intro text listed above. The players were then greeted by the shop owner, who recognized Clara from the prior events. The players then began asking questions about the nature of the slime and how they could possibly defeat it. Discovering that it was a living chemical reaction, they decided to try and find a chemical way to neutralize it. The shop owner luckily had enough supplies to create a neutralizing potion, but would need the players to obtain some samples of the slime first.
It was that Rupert approached the slime and was immediately grabbed by it. The slime attempted to pull them in, but a solid resistance roll kept Rupert stationary while Siel severed the tentacle. The players now had their sample.
During this event, Clara had been using a spell to craft a device for sample extraction. It was completed after the tentacle had been severed, and so was no longer needed.
Clara coordinated with the Potion maker to create an anti-slime potion, succeeding after a few rolls. Meanwhile, Siel enlisted the local fire brigade to spray slime away and reaction the reactive core of the creature. Some careful footwork from Siel allowed easy use of the potion, neutralizing the slime and causing it to collapse into a gross water that flowed down into the river.
This was a fun session that allowed some follow-up on events from a previous session. With a more consistent group, it will be interesting to start building off of prior events and allow players to see the results of their actions (or just unexpected consequences). I also appreciated prepping the introductory paragraph for myself to help set the tone of the session. It helped me to center my thoughts more and gave players some details to begin working off of instead of having to immediately launch into questions.